Vancouver Swordplay International Symposium - April 5-7 2019
All info HERE program includes: Fiore Intensive Vadi Intensive Fabris & His Legacy German Swordsmanship Intensives In particular - Marco...

Cielo&Meraviglia - USA Summer Camp - July 20-21 2019
Historical Event for the first time the secretive Italian martial art of knife combat Cielo&Meraviglia (Heaven and Marvel) will be...

Stickmata - Immersion Labs - February 2019 - San Francisco Bay
The Immersion Labs Foundation is proud to announce registration is OPEN for Immersion Labs: STICKMATA. Man’s oldest weapon: revisited...

Seminar: Scherma di bastone, Daga, Abrazar - Verona - Italy - April 22 2018
Sunday April 22nd from 9 am to 4 pm Domenica 22 aprile dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 16:00 Palazzetto dello sport, Via Aldo Moro, 44 - Zevio...

Nova Scrimia Adunanza 2018 - Sardinia - Italy
After years, Nova Scrimia Brotherhood organized a new gathering with all the Masters, instructors, and students from Italy and the rest...

The Immersion Labs
www.theimmersionlabs.com The Immersion Labs is a professional learning foundation dedicated to providing systemic peak performance...

IMA apulian Knife&Stick with Master Luciano Trimigno - May 27/28
From Manfredonia, Apulia, Italy. Master Luciano Trimigno will visit the San Francisco Bay Area to teach his family tradition of knife and...

Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium - 2017 - February 17-19
VISS is a weekend devoted to European swordsmanship and martial arts that takes place in downtown Vancouver, BC, home of Academie Duello,...

Viva Italia! Celebrating 600 years of Italian Martial Arts. Sept 16-18 2016 Chicago, USA
CLICK HERE TO SEE A PHOTO REPORT OF THE EVENT! The Chicago Swordplay Guild and the DeKoven Foundation present an event celebrating the...