Archive - Archivio
Here we find some example of activities and events of the past, for not forgetting
Qui ritroviamo alcuni esempio di eventi e attivita' del passato, per non scordare
Neo-Bartitsu Documentary
Neo-Bartitus Documentario
Ferbuary 2010
Documentary, “Bartitsu: the Lost Martial Art of Sherlock Holmes“. Supervised by co-director Ran Braun, these sequences included both choreographed demonstrations and free combat displays of neo-Bartitsu stickfighting. They were shot in the historic Villa Meda Battistero in the Italian town of Canzo.
The fight team included three senior instructors from the Nova Scrimia organisation and also the Italian National Stickfighting Champion, who travelled from Verona, Brescia, Saronno and Como to take part in the filming.

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Presentation of the Book "Flos Duellatorum 1409 - 2002 / alle radici dell'arte marziale italiana"
University of Bologna - Sala Absidale Aula Magna Santa Lucia - Bologna - Italy - 2002
“(…) this is not only a physical journey but also an intellectual one. Graziano Galvani has delved into history, tracing a sort of circular sign towards the fonts of a total martial art that returns to us today in the form of an alternative fencing combining both sport and self defense (…)”
Maestro FIS Ezio Zammarano, December 2002
“Ma il viaggio non è solo fisico, è anche intellettuale: come quello del nostro Graziano che procede all’indietro, tempo dopo tempo, in una specie di segno circolare, verso le fonti di un’arte marziale totale, che ci ritorna oggi in chiave di scherma alternativa, con riflessi anche sportivi, oltre che conservativi.”
Maestro FIS Ezio Zammarano - Dicembre 2002
With Masters: Dr. Marco Quarta, Dr. Enrico Lorenzi, Graziano Galvani, Roberto Girlanda, Roberto Chiaramonte
article in Italian and English - articolo in Italiano e Inglese

Imperator Litaratus - presentation of the book "15th century Chronicles of Bolognese Knight and Hero Galeazzo Marescotti de'Calvi"
Palazzo Ruffilli - University of Bologna - November 2000
Presentazione della "Cronica" di G. Marescotti de' Calvi, Uomo d'arme e di lettere ed eroe Bolognese - a cura di Claudio Lovercio.
Intervento del poeta Bolognese Fausto Carpani.
Esposizione dei principi e dimostrazione di "Nova Scrimia".
Inaugurazione della Sala d'Armi Galeazzo Marescotti ed apposizione del sigillo del Casato sul Libro di Sala da parte dell'attuale discendente, Conte Galeazzo Marescotti.
Galeazzo Marescotti has been a great scholar and warrior of the Italian Reneissant time. Scholar of the University of Bologna in 1400, hero of the city who alone with only 4 more friends in one night was able to infiltrate at night, assault the castle of Varano (Parma) and rescue the Governor Lord Annibale Bentivoglio of Bologna who was kidnapped and and inprisoned by the Duke of Milan. His sthengh, fencing skills who shewed in duels until a very old age, and knowledge represent the idealy of the Italian Renaissance man "Imperator Literatus" (Scholar warrior).
Conference with Graziano Galvani, Alessandro Bassi, Alessandro Malato, Claudio Lovercio, Dr. Marco Quarta and the Nova Scrimia brotherhood showing asssaluts. The last descendant of Marescotti, Count Galeazzo Marescotti (same name of his gran gran parent) attent and donate use of the motto of his family "Fideliter non esitant" (loyal without hesitation) to the Nova Scrimia Salle D'Armes in Bologna, named upon Marescotti.

Vancouver impromptu instructor workshop
Academy Duello, Vancouver, Canada, 2012
This morning we had the distinct pleasure of hosting Marco Quarta an instructor from Nova Scrimia for an impromptu instructor workshop. Marco showed up spontaneously in our doorway last week while in town meeting with the Italian Consulate and we roped him into showing us some of how his organization approaches the Italian martial arts.
Today’s workshop focused primarily on an Italian stick fighting tradition that has developed both from Bolgonese fighting sources such as Manciolino and Marozzo as well as classical fencing and the teachings of Italian fencing masters from the 1800s. This is a living tradition in Italy that has many swordplay analogues as well as its own internal techniques and stylings. I very much enjoyed Marco’s energetic teaching style, his precision with the techniques, and the pace of the class.
We learend a twelve step assalto of blows and defences that incorporated much of the footwork of the .....