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Media and Press

past and present - moments of inspiration and promotion

Il Maestro di Scherma -

The Fencing Master

From the book of Perez Reverte

In vino veritas..

At dinner with (left to right) Girlanda, Galvani, Tucci, Sanna

Sile - Posta di Donna e Dente di Chighiale

Promotional video of the last book of Paolo Tagliaferri with Nova Scrimia coreography 

"Gli Alieni" (the Aliens) TV show

Early 2000 at Bologna, Italy

Guests at "Italia7" network show

One and half hand sword

2012 - Zevio, Italy

Guests at Adige Web TV

Nova Scrimia in the '90s

Early activities and promotion in Italy

Hall of fame @ Valencia 2012

Nova Scrimia combat demonstrations:

dagger, sword one hand and half, stick assaults

Apulian Martial Arts

The first video trailer of the documentary "Secrets of Apulian Italian Martial Arts" - 2015

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