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Published the new reprint of historical assay on Italian Stick Fencing and self defense by Giuseppe

Assay theoretical-practical of stick fencing. With method to defending against several other cutting or thrusting weapons by Giuseppe Cerri, Milan, 1854

edited and commented by Messer "Scossa" Gianluca Zannini. Edition bilingual Italian and English.

An expert scholar in the martial fencing, military and civil, trained in the great mlanese school in a pre and post unification period, Master Giuseppe Cerri - with his masterpiece - defines himself as the head master of the Italian tick fencing literature of his period. He shows, using wonderful artwork, the acadmic fencing gymnastic of the two handed stick, codyfing dozens of sequences of molinelli. The essay is completed with useful instructions on lessons for the assalto (bout) for the fight against one opponent, but also against multiple opponents and against a variaety of other weapons, including farming tools of that time. The modern fencer, historical or olympic, will find in this work a useful pedagogical tool to complete the study of the walking stick or the saber, preparatory in the practice of the medieval two handed sword, and finally a useful investigation in the stufy of the typical dynamics of self defence.


Educato alla scherma marziale, militare e civile, in quella che fu la grande scuola milanese di epoca pre e post-unitaria, il maestro Giuseppe Cerri -in questo suo capolavoro- si erge a caposcuola di tutta la trattatistica Italiana della scherma di bastone. Egli illustra, avvalendosi di splendide incisioni, l’esercizio schermistico accademico del bastone a due mani, codificandone decine di sequenze di molinelli. Le lezioni d’assalto completano il trattato con delle utilissime istruzioni sul combattimento singolo, multiplo e contro una variegata serie di armi e strumenti agricoli dell’epoca. Il moderno schermidore storico ed olimpico, come anche il marzialista, potranno un chiaro ed utilissimo strumento didattico per completare lo studio del bastone da passeggio o della sciabola, propedeutico alla pratica nella spada a due mani medievale e infine utile supporto all’approfondimento delle dinamiche tipiche della difesa personale.

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